Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to School Lunch Printables!!

Back to school time!  Do you pack a lunch?  I do for my first grader.  Sure, it'd be easier to have her eat the school lunch and might even mean another 10 minutes of sleep for me every morning, and I wouldn't have a problem with it...IF the school could promise me that she would eat enough of their food to be healthy and keep that brain working and body growing.  But somehow, I just cant count on that.  So, we send her to school everyday with healthy items that I know she will eat, because I know what she WILL eat, KWIM?  So, I thought it would be nice to pass along some printables that will be good for making all those lunches!  Plus, I found THIS great article at about packing a safe lunch for your little ones!  Enjoy!


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