Monday, May 30, 2011

Extreme (ly) screwed up (Couponing)- by the Wags Wiz

Please take the time to reads these words of extreme wisdom by our friend Neil, the Wags Wizard.  Things are getting bare around my town too and it's a darn shame that I have to hide my binder so the Walmart greeters don't ask me if I am "like those people on that tv show".  Thanks Wiz!  Here's hoping this all blows over soon...

Okay Folks it is time for the Wizard to say a few things, in the past I asked you to get a tall drink and get comfortable, this time just grab the bottle, a shot glass and throw away the cap you won’t be needing it anymore.
Extreme couponing and the real world.
We by now have all heard of Extreme couponing and I’m sure that most of us have felt or seen the effects of the show. I’m sure that those of you that follow this blog know what I think of the show and when it started what I thought would come out of it. My views are not only mine, search the internet and you will see that the overwhelming opinion is that this show has and will not do anything for the coupon industry.

Check out the rest of the article here:
Wags Wiz

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